Nationwide Children’s
Construction Manager
Turner Construction
Year Completed
Total Construction Cost
53,400 sq. ft.
General Description

Design of a West Campus Central Energy Plant and utility distribution. The central plant includes electrical distribution switchgear, standby generators and the associated distribution switchgear, high-pressure steam boilers, and electric chillers and the associated cooling towers. New underground tunnels and separate electrical duct banks facilitated the utility distribution. The chiller plant is in a prominent location on the hospital’s West Campus, which is currently in development. In addition to the building adapting to a “wedge” site, the building was designed to have architectural features that will coordinate with existing and future buildings on the West campus.

Key Features
  • Two 9 MW utility services
  • Main-tie-main configured 15kV normal power distribution system
  • 10.5 MW of standby generator capacity with expansion capabilities to 14.5 MW
  • Main-tie-main configured 15kV emergency power distribution system
  • Two emergency power double-ended 4MVA unit substations
  • 100,000 gallon underground fuel oil storage for boilers and generators
  • 65,550 PPH steam plant with 10,350 PPH summer capacity with expansion capabilities to 120,750 PPH
  • 2,750 ton chiller plant with 1250 tons of standby capacity with expansion capabilities to 4,000 tons
  • Underground utility distribution tunnel and duct banks to support 12 buildings
  • Utilities distribution includes Normal Power, Emergency Power, Telecommunications, Steam, Steam Condensate, Chilled Water, Domestic Water, and Fire Water
  • Domestic water distribution
  • Sanitary and vent systems
  • Storm drainage systems
  • More than 53,000 sq. ft. of mechanical/electrical equipment space
Our Role

HAWA Inc. provided design services for the MEP systems, including low-voltage structured cabling.