Giving Back to our Community

Headshot of author Jim Porter, PE

By Jim Porter, P.E.

Like many of you, I am tired of talking about the effects COVID-19 has had on society. It has reached everyone and everything. I am glad that even though we are still in the midst of it, people continue to inspire me with their willingness to give. After last year, when we were forced off of street corners and into tents, the Charity Newsies once again braved the elements (and the cars buzzing past at over 50 MPH!) to collect money so that school-aged children could go to school with new clothes.

Did you know that it takes about $150 to clothe a child? That amount covers three shirts, three pairs of pants, six pairs of socks, six pairs of underwear, a winter coat, a hat and gloves. All of these clothes are brand new, with no hand-me-downs. To watch a child pick out their own clothes when they have none is very heartwarming. It takes a lot of work from a lot of people to serve everyone. Our corner of eight newsies collected enough to clothe 53 children. The entire organization has clothed 12,519 children this year. If you are interested in joining our group or donating, please visit or reach out to me. If you donated to our cause, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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